Bookmaking in Schools
a guide for school librarians and teachers
This guide outlines the ways in which bookmaking can be incorporated into schools' curricula through collaboration with the school librarian and content teachers. Art teacher Louise Butler, and librarian Vincent Hyland, from The Boerum Hill School for International Studies in Brooklyn have put together some of their best practices, activities, and resources. They encourage others to adapt what has worked in their school! There is no right or wrong way to make a book. This is what has worked for them.
Save Yourself, Lena Goings, grade 6.
In a Heart Beat, Laetitia Mombelli, Grade 6.
Ezra Jack Keats Bookmaking Competition
The Ezra Jack Keats Foundation provides many services on behalf of students, teachers, librarians, and readers everywhere. Among their projects is the annual Ezra Jack Keats Bookmaking Competition, a collaboration with the NYCDOE and Brooklyn Public Library.
Check out more about the competition here.
Read the press release announcing the this year's winners for 2020 here.
The Value of Bookmaking
In this video, students, teachers and administrators talk about the impact of the EJK Bookmaking Competition on their schools, their jobs and their dreams. (Ezra Jack Keats Foundation)
Brooklyn Public Library Virtual Exhibit
The Brooklyn Public Library always hosts an award ceremony for the Ezra Jack Keats Bookmaking Competition, and a month-long exhibit of all of the books entered into the competition. The 34th annual celebration was moved online in May 2020.
Watch this special presentation on bookmaking from guest artist, Rowboat Watkins.
Louise Butler
Louise has taught middle-school art and design classes at BHS since 2017. Before working in the DOE she taught at Parsons School of Design and the nonprofit Publicolor. She is the coauthor and illustrator of The Best Cookbook Ever, Our Favorite Recipes. She loves teaching students about modern and contemporary art.
Vincent Hyland
Vincent started his career as an ESL teacher at BHS in 2013, and became the school's librarian in February 2017. He also worked as a reference librarian at Brooklyn Historical society while pursuing his MLS. He speaks five languages and loves making LibGuides. Check out the one he made for his school library!