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BHS Library: Language Acquisition

Language Acquisition Subject Guide


Language Acquisition

eBooks and Audiobooks in Multiple Languages

Audible by Amazon has made a wide variety of audiobooks available to the public for FREE!


Linguee Bilingual Dictionaries

Linguee offers one-to-one translateion as well as bilingual dictionaries in French an other languages. You can use the website or download the app.


DuoLingo Schools

Spanish-Language Course Content

Spanish-Language Content

These databases offer reference, biographical, and geographical material, as well as articles and other kinds of information to supplement coursework. 

Studio Story - ENL & Arts Curriculum

World Digital Library


TV 5 Monde

This French-language news source also offers a language-learning activities using authentic news sources. They have content aligned to the European Framework and even offer a diagnostic test! 

New York Times E.L.L. & Art

New York Times E.L.L. & Art

Resources for teaching English language learners and the arts using New York Times content. Resources include lots of images and writing prompts as well as readings on current events.

For any questions, email Mr. Mulvey at